Wednesday, April 9, 2008


riding in a car - Photo Hosted at Buzznet
last week i was thinking that i desperately needed a bike.
so i impulsively purchased the lamest bike on earth, sight unseen.
(for $10)
it was an old yellow ten speed from before time began
and the bike repair shop said they would have to charge me at least $70 just to get it on the road but that they really would rather not see me sink anymore money into such a p.o.s. so i immorally abandoned it behind some building! or would that be unethically? either way.
i felt foolish even walking with it down the sidewalk.
sometimes i can be dumb.

look back, or don't - Photo Hosted at Buzznet
there are many other stories i could tell you, but i don't really feel like it.
i am at the library, after work, yukky and gross i need to take a shower, but i don't care at the moment. my life is hectic and all in disarray.
i need a little bit of ME time. i need to regroup.

chalkboard blogger - Photo Hosted at Buzzneti like to write on the chalkboard - Photo Hosted at Buzznetchinese - Photo Hosted at Buzznetfun while it lasted - Photo Hosted at Buzznetchalk face - Photo Hosted at Buzznet
yesterday a man said to me that his wife told him to tell me she thinks i am 'stunning'.
stunningly what?
hee hee.
DON't answer that.