Tuesday, June 30, 2009

hi neighbor

grassespuffcbubblesighold buildingbrightmy farm
this game sucked me in! farm town on facebook! won't you be my neighbor?

Sunday, June 28, 2009


lights ceiling
Red Robin does have good burgers.

smiling burger
smiling burger

i refuse to eat shredded iceberg lettuce, however. or raw onions. those came off.

so good
so good

mine had avocado, swiss, bacon. i guess i left a few strands of shredded iceberg, but it is just so 'uncool', man.

Friday, June 26, 2009

where i go

we walked to this 'park' which is near my house. i'd never walked there before, but it's actually pretty cool. well, i don't think this is actually part of the 'park' but it's interesting nonetheless.

spraypaint handpipe manmy son is taller than i am
my son is taller than i am

Thursday, June 25, 2009

i'm sad now

r.i.p. michael jackson

it won't be long

seuss houseseuss tvlike mom like kid
around town are these suess-themed window paintings advertising for the fair.

also around town are cherry trees galore! i am compelled to eat at least one lovely, juicy, fresh, ripe cherry from each tree i pass.

i have many compulsions.

pretty sure that girl knew i was taking her pic. but i tried to pretend like i was just looking at my camera or something.

art museum san jose
ha, i dreamed that i did a background check on myself and a bunch of my blog posts came up as what employers would see when contemplating hiring me. nice. (not)

Wednesday, June 24, 2009


i feel like i am way behind on the blogging thing.
preoccupied with other stuff right now.
this pic is from a week ago.

the city out there
sometimes uploading pics just isn't at the top of my priority list.
i enjoy it, but time isn't always readily available for that.
have to play farm town on facebook.
it's way addictive.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

voyeuristic ally

sometimes my dreams are prophetic.

uber good
okay, so more about the third eye blind concert.
i'll be blogging about this for another week probably! ha. oh well.

park me phone
while sitting in the park for a hundred years, waiting leisurely for the concert to start (for five hours!) we listened to third eye blind on the iphone! haha.
setting the mood.

people walkingpark girls
and i voyeuristically snapped surreptitious photos of passersby.

fresh water
fresh water
and watched people cool off in the fountain.

even though we got there so early and had our little spot with our blanket and ice chest and shade, once the concert started we were quickly encroached upon by the gathering crowd (free concert in the park) and had to give up our spot only to very soon be packed in tighter than sardines in a can. more like anchovies.

guitar jenkins
i stood on my tiptoes for about an hour straight. i think i still have weird sore muscles in strange areas on my legs. the tops of my feet were really sore. felt bruised that night.

guitar third eye blind
being engulfed by this huge crowd of mostly twenty-somethings was overwhelming at first and i sort of emotionally shut down for a few minutes until some nice people let me put my purse and ice chest and blanket under the chairs they were standing on. they also let me stand on one of their chairs for a few. that small act of kindness helped my mood a bit.

hands out
then i started to enjoy the music and my mood quickly improved. everything didn't seem so hostile anymore. i started to relax and go with the flow. realizing: resistance is futile.

stephan jenkinsthird eye blind
third eye blind

the performance was full of energy and sucked me in along with the crowd. everyone was singing along and it was cool to see how happy people were. people were climbing up into the trees to get a better view. it was a short set. maybe an hour and a half. for a while, jenkins wore a top hat. that was cute. some sort of mad hatter-esque type of thing. most of the pics i tried to get were pretty blurry. these are the best ones.

anyway, i get lazy about uploading pics and doing blog posts... so that's all for now, folks.

oh yeah, i cooked the cornish game hens in the crock pot. perfecto!

Monday, June 22, 2009


treespilot speed in san jose
pilot speed in san jose
closer pilot speeddolla bill y'all
dolla bill y'all
roadies for third eye blind
roadies for third eye blind
so this third eye blind concert i went to was in san jose. it was free. the website said it started at 1PM. we got there at 12:30 or maybe a little earlier and nobody was there. after a while i asked someone if it starts at one. NOPE. 5:30!! aack.
so we sat in the park for almost nine hours, all told. OY vey!!!
anyway.... i'm giving all of this info in increments. dragging it out.

classy bathroom shot
classy bathroom shot

so for anyone reading this... you'll kind of understand what it felt like to go to this concert! we basically went WAY out of our way and suffered much inconvenience for the sake of Third Eye Blind. and to be honest, to ME, the pain endured was rewarded.