so i got a cellphone from my mom and it takes pictures.
i haven't uploaded any yet and i won't be able to for a few days.
argh. i need to mail something.
you know what are cool? mobiles. you know. anything that you hang from the ceiling and it is decorative and dangly.
i've had a cold for the past few days and have needed to sleep a lot.
you are a messed up person. FACE IT! we ALL ARE! nobody is escaping that! are you proud to be a member of the human race?
in I Like Killing Flies, Shopsin says, "The whole ballgame is about being not-so-terrific and accepting it."
he says: "REALIZE: you're a piece of shit. You're not a good person all the time. You're not that terrific."
Clothes make the man. Naked people have little or no influence on society. Mark Twain